General Resources

Lottie Moon "No Matter the Cost" Sticker

Lottie Moon "No Matter the Cost" Sticker

Celebrate the enduring legacy of Lottie Moon with this striking sticker, featuring a portrait of the esteemed missionary. Known for her unwavering commitment and sacrifice, Lottie Moon's life continues to inspire generations.  
Life-size Lottie Moon Poster

Life-size Lottie Moon Poster

Believe it or not, this poster really is life size!  Lottie Moon may have been petite, but her love of international missions was anything but.  Just imagine what you could do with this resource to promote the...
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Lottie Moon Skits - Digital Download

Lottie Moon Skits - Digital Download

Promote the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering through downloadable dramas and skits for church members to perform during church services or for mission groups.  Print and share as many copies as you'd like. These dramas share the importance of your...
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Lottie Moon Posters - Digital Download

Lottie Moon Posters - Digital Download

Lottie Moon may have been petite, but her love of international missions was anything but.   When you order this download, you will receive the following poster sizes plus printing instructions:   8” (w) x...
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Eight Steps of the Missions Continuum

Eight Steps of the Missions Continuum

The world’s population is approaching 8 billion souls. With more than 3,000 people groups still unreached and unengaged with a gospel witness, the Great Commission is a formidable task. How can we, the church, make a greater impact on...
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IMB Foundations: All Languages

IMB Foundations: All Languages

Foundations answers the fundamental questions of who the International Mission Board (IMB) is, what we do, and how our Core Values, Core Convictions, and Missiological Convictions affect how we live and work around the world. Discover how these...
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IMB Foundations Companion Guide

IMB Foundations Companion Guide

Build upon what you learned in Foundations with the eight-lesson Foundations Companion Guide. Tailored for pastors, leaders, and church members, this guide applies the principles and teachings of Foundations, focusing on the six components of the...
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Missionary Task Sticker

Missionary Task Sticker

Use this sticker as a visual reminder of the six components of the missionary task — entry, evangelism, discipleship, healthy church formation, leadership development, and exit to partnership. Share the graphic with...
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Missionary Task Prayer Card: All Languages

Missionary Task Prayer Card: All Languages

Join with us in reaching the nations through prayer. Together, Southern Baptists send IMB missionaries to be steadfastly present among the lost by engaging in the six components of the missionary task: Entry, Evangelism, Discipleship, Healthy Church...
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2024 Global Impact Review

2024 Global Impact Review

God is transforming lives across the world through your generosity and the faithfulness of your church. Together, we celebrate that the name of Jesus is being proclaimed in places where it has never been heard before—you’ve played a vital...
NextGen GO Booklet 3.0

NextGen GO Booklet 3.0

Ready to go? We can send you. If God is calling you to serve among peoples and places where Jesus is not named or known, we have a place for you. You can serve: Two weeks A summer A semester A gap season One year As a journeyman (2...
Project 3000 Bulletin Insert

Project 3000 Bulletin Insert

3,072 people groups have no missionary presence, no gospel access. We are going to the edges of spiritual lostness to find out where the unreached live, learn about their culture, and develop a strategy for sharing the gospel. We call this...
2024 Global Impact Guide (2023 Data)

2024 Global Impact Guide (2023 Data)

The greatest problem facing humankind is not a natural disaster, a humanitarian crisis, or political instability. The greatest problem in the world is lostness. There is no problem more pressing, and no problem that should unite us more, because, in...
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IMB Training Resource Guide

IMB Training Resource Guide

This quick-reference guide can help you explore transformational training resources—including courses and events—intentionally designed by the International Mission Board (IMB) Training Team to equip individuals and churches to learn more...
Groundwork Foundations Book

Groundwork Foundations Book

Laying Foundations for Biblical Missions The ultimate point of the mission of God is that all peoples of the earth would know God and recognize His glory being displayed most perfectly in His Son, Jesus Christ. God’s plan for His mission...
IMB Foundations Kit: All Languages

IMB Foundations Kit: All Languages

Grow in your understanding of the International Mission Board (IMB) and how our missionary presence engages lostness among the nations through the missionary task. This essential kit includes:    IMB Foundations, which answers questions...
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Coffee table book

A Great Multitude: Commemorative Coffee Table Book

$20.00 - $75.00
“A Great Multitude” Commemorative Coffee Table Book is a visual celebration of God’s work through Southern Baptist missionaries since 1845.   This full-color, 200-page book, contains award winning photography...
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Annual Statistical Report - 2023 Data

Annual Statistical Report - 2023 Data

The Annual Statistical Report (ASR) represents work done by IMB personnel and their missions partners in 2023, for use from May 2024 to April 2025. The ASR contains data from all IMB affinities and reports on the components of the missionary task: entry,...
IMB Map Resources - Digital Download

IMB Map Resources - Digital Download

The IMB's Global Research Department offers a wide variety of Map Resources available for FREE! Also available are a number of pre-designed presentations for your use as well. Download map resources       
Front cover

One Sacred Effort

Jesus Christ commissioned His followers to go and make disciples of all the peoples of the world. Southern Baptist churches have partnered together for 175 years in that "One Sacred Effort" of proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the...
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