Compare Eight Steps of the Missions Continuum $8.99 The world’s population is approaching 8 billion souls. With more than 3,000 people groups still unreached and unengaged with a gospel witness, the Great Commission is a formidable task. How can we, the church, make a greater impact on... 0 Add to Cart
Compare 6 Marks of a Transformed Disciple Prayer Bookmark $0.00 Use this visual reminder to pray through the six marks of a transformed disciple and intercede for those you are discipling (or hope to disciple). Share this bookmark with family members, friends, and co-workers as a tool to explain how God has... 0 Add to Cart
Compare Deepen Discipleship: Online Course in English & Spanish (PDF) $0.00 Through this free six-month course, you can deepen habits of obedience in your Christian life, gain a better understanding of the New Testament, and learn to see your whole life in light of the gospel. Plan to walk through Deepen Discipleship with a... 0 Add to Cart
Compare God’s Glory Among the Nations: Online Course on Mission (PDF) $0.00 Through this free course, get to know the mission of God and discover how you play a role in carrying out His mission through the Church—to be His witnesses, proclaiming the gospel and making disciples of all nations and peoples on earth. Learn... 0 Add to Cart
Compare Dari Bible $16.50 This hardback Bible is in the Dari language and has 12 colorful maps and two ribbons. It is the fourth printing of the Afghan Bible made in 2022 and is Today's Dari Version of 2008 (TDV08). 5 (1) Currently out of stock
Compare Dari New Testament $4.50 This pocket-sized edition of the New Testament in the Dari language is from the 2008 Dari Bible. It is easily understood by Afghans and has a translation level like the Good News Bible. 736 Pages 0 Add to Cart
Compare The Gospel of Luke in English and Dari $4.00 The Gospel of Luke in English and Dari is easy to read, good for language study, and ESL classes. The Dari text is taken from the New Dari Version 2018. The English text is the Good News version. 108 pages 5 (1) Add to Cart
Compare 25 Favourite Bible Stories for Children in Dari $2.00 A beautifully illustrated book in simple Dari language including 25 Bible stories for children: 19 in the Old Testament and six in the New Testament. It also contains interactive questions. 54 pages 0 Add to Cart
Compare A Savior's Birth Downloadable Film - Dari Language $0.00 A Savior's Birth is a 12-minute mp4 film created from The Savior Film. It was created to be shared with Dari-speaking refugees in expat communities during the Christmas season as a way of introduction. This film can be downloaded to your... 5 (1) Add to Cart
Compare Dari Resources SD Cards - Pack of 5 $20.00 These 16 GB microSD cards are an excellent way to share audio, video, and print resources with Afghan people. They come loaded with the following Dari language resources: The Savior Film The Jesus Film Magdalena Film Afghan radio... 0 Add to Cart