Groundwork Foundations Book


Laying Foundations for Biblical Missions

The ultimate point of the mission of God is that all peoples of the earth would know God and recognize His glory being displayed most perfectly in His Son, Jesus Christ. God’s plan for His mission includes working through His redeemed people, the Church, to declare His glory—the weight of His perfect presence and character—and to make disciples of all nations.

As you journey through these pages, we pray you grow in your understanding of the mission of God and how He purposes the people of God to join Him in His redemptive plan—that a great multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language will know and worship our Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 7:9).

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Excellent resource for the laity
Written by James T Cha on Mar 8th 2024

This book is very well written. It is brief but covers most of the topics necessary for the lay Christian to understand the Great Commission in light of God's heart for the world. I highly recommend it for anyone who is interested in missions or embarking on a short term mission trip to understand how the latter fits into the bigger picture of global missions.