
Loving the Lost (2024): Korean - Digital Download

Loving the Lost (2024): Korean - Digital Download

2024 Loving the Lost Prayer Guide Digital Download in Korean The Loving the Lost prayer guide will equip you with statistics, stories, and photos of some of the least reached people groups in the world. New This Year! - Discussion starters,...
IMB Foundations Kit: All Languages

IMB Foundations Kit: All Languages

Grow in your understanding of the International Mission Board (IMB) and how our missionary presence engages lostness among the nations through the missionary task. This essential kit includes:    IMB Foundations, which answers questions...
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IMB Foundations: Korean - Digital Download

IMB Foundations: Korean - Digital Download

"기초"는 국제선교부 (International Mission Board: IMB)가 어떤 단체인지, 무엇을 하는지, 핵심 가치, 핵심 신념 및 선교학적 신념이 이 세상에서 살고 일하는 방식에 어떤 영향을 미치는지에 대한 근본적인 질문에 답합니다. 각 나라와 족속과 백성과 방언에서 아무도 능히 셀 수 없는 큰 무리가 우리 주 예수 그리스도를 알고 경배하는 비전을 성취하기 위해 어떻게 이 기본적인 답변들이 남침례교 성도들에게 도움이 되는지 알아보세요...
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IMB Foundations Companion Guide: Korean - Digital Download

다운로드 가능한 8개 과정 가이드를 통해기초 (Foundations)에서 배운 내용을 심화하세요. IMB 컴패니언 가이드 (IMB Foundations Companion Guide)는 목회자, 지도자, 교회 성도들이 기초 (Foundations)의 원리와 가르침, 특히 선교사의 과업의 6가지 구성 요소를 선교사와 해외 사역뿐만 아니라 교회와 지역에서도...
Missionary Task Prayer Card: All Languages

Missionary Task Prayer Card: All Languages

Join with us in reaching the nations through prayer. Together, Southern Baptists send IMB missionaries to be steadfastly present among the lost by engaging in the six components of the missionary task: Entry, Evangelism, Discipleship, Healthy Church...
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IMB Foundations Kit: Korean - Digital Download

IMB Foundations Kit: Korean - Digital Download

Grow in your understanding of the International Mission Board (IMB) and how our missionary presence engages lostness among the nations through the missionary task. This essential digital kit includes:    IMB Foundations (Digital...
Missionary Task Prayer Card: Korean - Digital Download

Missionary Task Prayer Card: Korean - Digital Download

열방에복음을전하는일에기도로동참해주세요. 남침례교는 IMB 선교사들이선교사과업의 6가지요소 (들어가기, 복음전도, 제자훈련, 건강한교회세우기, 지도자개발, 떠나기)를통하여, 잃어버린영혼들가운데꾸준히주재하도록파송하고있습니다. 이양면기도카드는여러분과소그룹및교회를위해바로만들어졌습니다. 여러분의교회와공동체, IMB와세계곳곳에있는 IMB 선교사들을위해선교사의과업에맞추어기도해주세요. 다운로드가능
Eight Steps of the Missions Continuum

Eight Steps of the Missions Continuum

The world’s population is approaching 8 billion souls. With more than 3,000 people groups still unreached and unengaged with a gospel witness, the Great Commission is a formidable task. How can we, the church, make a greater impact on...
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