
Loving the Lost (2024): Chinese - Digital Download

Loving the Lost (2024): Chinese - Digital Download

2024 Loving the Lost Prayer Guide Digital Download in Chinese The Loving the Lost prayer guide will equip you with statistics, stories, and photos of some of the least reached people groups in the world. New This Year! - Discussion starters,...
Eight Steps of the Missions Continuum

Eight Steps of the Missions Continuum

The world’s population is approaching 8 billion souls. With more than 3,000 people groups still unreached and unengaged with a gospel witness, the Great Commission is a formidable task. How can we, the church, make a greater impact on...
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Missionary Task Prayer Card: All Languages

Missionary Task Prayer Card: All Languages

Join with us in reaching the nations through prayer. Together, Southern Baptists send IMB missionaries to be steadfastly present among the lost by engaging in the six components of the missionary task: Entry, Evangelism, Discipleship, Healthy Church...
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IMB Foundations Kit: Chinese - Digital Download

IMB Foundations Kit: Chinese - Digital Download

Grow in your understanding of the International Mission Board (IMB) and how our missionary presence engages lostness among the nations through the missionary task. This essential digital kit includes:    IMB Foundations (Digital...
IMB Foundations Companion Guide: Chinese - Digital Download

IMB Foundations Companion Guide: Chinese - Digital Download

我們應美南浸信會眾教會的要求,編寫了這份《根基輔助手冊》,為《根基》提供補充資料,所以這份輔助手冊是假定你已閱讀或正在閱讀《根基》。 這份輔助手冊的主要目的在於協助牧者、領袖和教會會友暸解,當我們齊心合 力觸及萬民,《根基》所載的原則不僅適用於國際宣教部(IMB)的宣教士和 海外事工,也適用於自己所屬的教會和群體。
IMB Foundations: Chinese - Digital Download

IMB Foundations: Chinese - Digital Download

我們相信宣教的聖經及神學基礎不僅對宣教士至關重要,也對 差遣和支持他們的教會至關重要。基督吩咐門徒去使萬民作門 徒,所以眾教會 牧者和會友都需要認識宣教士的身份及他們 所承擔的任務,並要暸解為什麼教會需要差遣宣教士出去, 又能如何幫助他們在禾場上獲得果效。 因此,我們希望藉著所提供的這些根基,幫助宣教士、眾牧 者和教會的會友發揮神所賦予的角色,看到世人認識基督的福 音,領受基督的 典,並在萬民中高舉基督的榮耀,尤其是在 許多從未聽聞過祂名的男女老少中間。
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