Prayer Points Newsletter (March 2024)

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While most Northern African and Middle Eastern peoples are Muslim and will be observing their fasting month of Ramadan, roughly March 10-April 9, everyone in this area is affected by the schedule changes Ramadan brings. Believers in Jesus from different countries and ethnicities have covenanted to pray in unity for their Muslim friends during Ramadan. Will you commit to join them in prayer?

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March 2024 Prayer Points
Written by Milton Allred on Mar 5th 2024

I always try to read through the upcoming issues of Prayer Points when those arrive. As I read through this issue that is centered on the Muslims of the NAME region, and on their practice of the fast of Ramadan, it helped me see just how far their beliefs and practices separate them from the Truth of our Lord. Several of the prayer requests also helped me see how our brothers and sisters in Christ who live in that region try to share the Good News with their family and friends during the days of Ramadan. We pray that their openness and their trying to live out their faith in such difficult circumstances will have a soul-winning effect on their friends and family. This issue really gets down to the basics, both of the Muslims' beliefs and practices, and the testimonies of our brothers and sisters in Christ who live among them.